Truth Is That What You Believe In (?)
Book Review
By Keld Rasmussen, Denmark
Winston Churchill is rumoured to have said that he only relied on those statistics he himself had falsified. Take Macro Economics or National Economy - including Monetary and Taxation Policy - In the run-up to global government we'd do well to take seriously the implications behind the flippant joke of Churchill: If you want to be a hammer rather than an anvil you would be wise to trust yourself, use sound common sense and judgement, think for yourself and certainly don't assume anything you don't have direct knowledge of is true - especially not when so-called experts wrap up simple issues in complicated concepts. But is it much worse. Even children, who have not yet internalised these false concepts will be ensnared as soon as they get to school. Especially in Denmark good people consider national debt, exchange rate changes and taxational political tricks and other governmental economic initiatives to be complicated indecipherable gibberish with a lot of weird inherent consequences. Impossible to survey, to see through and to calculate - it is certainly not a persuit for ordinary mortals. Official projections and forcasts relating to the economic theory have nearly disappeared from the scene, perhaps for a good reason. The writer gives you some obvious proposals. Side by side with all kinds of manipulative or illusory ideologies, not least "witchcraft", economics forms part of the treason against the blinded mass of the populous. Joern E. Vig gives the reader the courage to think for himself. 7 years in the Danish civil service gave the writer valuable experience behind the scenes. He did not like what he saw. After publishing two books on Business Management he taught for 12 years at the Copenhagen Business School and at the Aarhus School of Business. Now he is a freelance writer and consultant. He is an advicer on EDP, on financial and on statistical issues. Joern E. Vig has chosen to explain that part of history concerned with the creation of the black-art of economics, and relates this to the fact that too many individuals seem to spend their lives unfulfilled from the beginning of their school days. Can these two subjects be related? They are closely related in a web of intrigue that our rulers do not want you to know about. If you know you might be free. Because we have a referendum September 28th 2000 on Danish Euro-participation the book has been put on the Internet for free for the time being on : Joern E. Vig’s website:
Sincerely Keld Rasmussen Brunata Inc., Copenhagen E-mail: |