Information on Denmark

Information on Denmark,, Internet 05/29/1999,
e-mail-address: [email protected]

The Truth Is that what you Believe in (?)

The feedchain of internationalism

Joern E. Vig,

Denmark, 2000

The writer and the manuscript:

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If you want to know more about the writer and his background, you should know I am 49 years old. I have a Master degree in economics from the University of Aarhus, Denmark. I worked for seven years in the central administration, until I could not take more lies, then 12 years as a teacher at Copenhagen Business School and at Aarhus School of the Business. I have published two books about Business Administration. For the last five years I have supplied consultancy: Finances, Investment, Statistics, PC utilization and true knowledge about the Euro.

The manuscript:

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Internationalism is not just moonshine
The worst lies I was told - Nearly one third of your income tax is used to pay interest in Denmark on a debt made by the state - The national debt problem - State-Paper-Debt and Loan-Debt explaned without witchcraft.

Chapter 2
The Inter-War Period
Professor L. V. Birck made a historical, national debt review for Europe in 1925 - New international system of trade, clearing and of national debt - Gold and Gold Standard - The thesis of Arne Rasmussen - Inflation, national debt and dependence (for 7th school class) - Stabilizing foundations of clearing - Bilateral clearing - Bretton Woods Bretton Woods negotiations - Henry Morgenthau Jr., John M. Keynes, Harry D. White -The British and the American system proposals - United money - Norwegian criticism from the exil-adress in London.

Chapter 3
Joint Statement by Experts
A peculiar system for making more national debt - What will the EURO mean.

Chapter 4
The final crash and The New World Order
The system development after the war - The late warnings from Robert Robert Triffin - Council On Foreign Relations (C.F.R.) - The American Money System or The Federal Reserve System - FDR's history in an unofficial version.

Chapter 5
Dollars substituted for Federal Reserve Notes
John Maynard Keynes drank whisky, Karl Marx beer - The treason is old - The Trilateral Commission Trilateral Commission - Between Two Ages - The Bilderberg Group - ECU and EURO.

Chapter 6
The treason seen from Denmark
The way you get the freedom-fighters to say YES - Mankind (first the farmers and the fishermen) at a turning point - Shock-therapy we shall have, reported Dr. Aurelio Peccei on TV - There is something rotten in the state of Denmark - A professor in Denmark retires.

Chapter 7
What came first, the hen or the egg

Why the Russian Revolution - Monopoly and monopsony - Eksperimental-Psycology.

Chapter 8
Mental condition becomes behaviour including criminal behaviour
The development in the criminal acts in Denmark 1960-1990 - Resources to stop criminal acts or stop the criminals - Some explanations to crimes - Crimes and immigrants - Questions to the authorities and their useless, but published answers.

Chapter 9
The new man
'The Leipzig Connection ' - My own experiences by teaching students to business administrators for 12 years - Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt in Leipzig - G. W. F. Hegel - The founder of 'The Modern Breaking Through in Denmark' - American psychology was imported from Leipzig in Germany.

Chapter 10
Superior philosophy behind marketing and pedagogy in the1980
Dr. Aurelio Peccei on TV - There is something rotten in the state of Denmark - The philosophers including the existentialists behind marketing - Internationalism, the Third and Environment, the Fourth Wave - EU/UN-Pedagogy anno 1996.

Pieces of explanation to the crime explosion, the Trotsky Plan

Chapter 11
Examples of changes in limits and character of the political area

Compulsion of the trade unions and political compulsion in Denmark - The law of trade union compulsion - Ethnic discrimination by a Danish law against the Danish in Denmark - Citizens Watch - The TV-Spots for Hells Angels - Union-propaganda is just a part of the treason - Some conclusive priciples for the rules in a real constitution.

Chapter 12
What you have to know, what do you have to do
What is power - Right-Left-1-2-1-2-Right-Left - Private Top Meeting in Copenhagen - The ship-wreck of The Plan.


A little advanced for untrained:
Professor Wilhelm Hankel's speech about Euro and the end of the social state (June 1998) with IOD-comments and a contribution for debate.

Our contribution to a PWPA Professor Congress i Soeul Korea, February 2000:Globalization and Economy

Table of Literature


The world at a turning point. Three World Wars in this century. The last is being fought now in the financial and mental systems. An Europe with a progress in welfare in the fifties and sixties without any side in history, and without any side in the future. The integration of the nations of Europe was planned for 'The Peace'. So was The Soviet Union. The honest judges of the history will know that no union was created without war.If you take a look at other sides of the development than the formal European political one, with all its words, plans, decisions, organizations, activities and especially its pictures that you are bombarded with every day, a much more true picture might appear.

Which characteristics has the democratic ruling been getting, the democracy that is loud in nearly everybody's praise. Wealth was replaced with transferred welfare. The formal rulers, the material resources and goods made by hardworking and effective Europeans. An explosion in the supply of education in Northern Europe guided 50-60 p.c. of a class of youth to a study- preparing education ending in the bureaucratic sector.

Many of these young people throught they went up into the universe - up to the truth - by attending the lectures at the European universities. Most of them were disappointed. So they tried to make their dreams come true. They created the current ideologies that were favored by the real rulers. Everything was new and smart, everything that suited the plan was useful. After World War I I macroeconomic explanations was understood by few. The reason why is quite selfevident.

Something happened to the individuals too, among other things via the upbringing, the education, and the false TV- and media-culture. The socialism was broad to the market again in the sixties and seventies, when the youth born in or just after the war had grown up.

Now Europe felt rotten, the postwar reconstruction and the prosperity in the fifties and sixties had to come to an end.

A world outside Europe and USA was shown on TV, a world that had thrown off the formal colonial powers made claims.

Now the activity in Europe was threatened - a much more threatened Europe than it was shown on TV. An Europe where everything has been possible. The dynamics disappeared with the responsibility. The national debt grew again as in the twenties and the thirties.

It does not matter, said the educated economists. All the French clowns said, they were right: It does not really matter (to them). The word responsibility had been removed in the sixties. When the response returned, as it should, as it must, the responsibility returned. But it changed hands.

Plans had been made for a new Europe, a united Europe, a federal Europe or just an association of the states in Europe. I have chosen to explain the part of the history that concerns the creation of an even then antiquated system of economy considerations, and the human disaster that can be seen in the fact that too many European individuals seem to end in misery from the beginning of their school days.

Another war was fought in the (physically) Second World War, a financial war. A profound tested German experimental psychological project from the 19th century conquered USA before the last war. Now it was for Europe.

A plan had been made for Europe, and one for the world too, long before you was born. The New World Order New World Order or 'The Planet of the Apes' you can call it as you like. I shall try to show what brought us into a centraldirected, planeconomic, half Fascist, chaotic, subsidized Europe without civil rights, but with a 'media-cracy' in a short passing phase at best.

The fraudulent international monetary system created in the Second World War was Suitable if not designed for the weak postwar (professional) poli ticians, which followed the line of least resistance. The Economic Monetary Union (EMU) are supposed to draw back the power to Europe, from where it moved to USA in the twenties and the thirties. What the price paid by the people are planned to be, I shall try to tell in a unostentatious and idiomatic language without the usual witchcraft that is so common if not compulsory among economists educated after the Second World War.

To the last mentioned I have chosen series of concrete short reviews seen from Denmark, but the reader will in what I tell him see and understand corresponding reviews in his own nation. I have chosen the most convergent and the most determining phenomenons, not the ones that were meant to be chosen.

So my reading is nor politically uncorrect.

The preconditions for your understanding the treason are:

You have to open your eyes, you have to consider the matter free of empty phrases.

The Danes were the first who said NO with the voting-paper 2nd June 1992, the same year we beat Europe in football. May 18th 1993 they won the game using sweet words and blows with a stick for 1 billion DKr. mediacosts. We are still waiting for the third and the fourth in football, when the match ends in a draw. The work with this little book started in 1990.

Thanks to Department Head at the University of Aalborg, Denmark P. H. Bering, thanks to writer Jens Jackie Jensen, Herlev, and thanks to Director Torvald Fonsboel, Vejle for their wise and encouraging comments and proposals to this book about Europe.

He who knows the truth, and does not
let it appear and expose - he is a
pitiful coward, indeed

(Willi Senff)

Joern E. Vig

Introduction to The Truth..

Denmark is coming to an end in the meaning that the country (understood mainly as a homo- genous national state) within the next two generations at least from today will be unreco- gnizable to a grown up Dane of today, if he is shown a map of Denmark, and he is told that this map actually shows the peace of ground which he is standing on. I do not maintain that the geography will change essentially.

Today every alert Dane can see that this is very likely to happen, if the ruling tendencies that are allowed is continuing. If you follow those official descriptions of the country and the community that still exist - many of them in a quite decreasing quality -, you will not doubt where our country is going to with mathematically certainty. How could it end so wrong: Why shall Denmark - or another country as well - come to an end? Why is after all a strange, claiming word. The logical consequence, that lead to that Denmark without disturbing intervention will come to an end is only one part of the answer to this why. The fraudulent international monetary system created in the Second World War was suitable if not designed for the weak post

What motives and what purposes you shall see Denmark develop to in that decay is the other half of that why.

When I eventually had got enough time, after having taught on commercial college for 12 years and worked in the government department for 7½ years, I decided to investigate that decisive question for me: ) are supposed to draw back the power to Europe, from where it moved to USA in the twenties and the thirties.

Why shall Denmark come to an end?

'Something is very wrong in Denmark, the mio. of Dybboel is just to hell', John Mogen- sen sang in 1972.

Louis Miehe-Renard sang: 'Do not believe them' the same year. It is fundamentally a good idea at the starting point to investigate, who benefits from a crime when you shall look for its cause. Perhaps I am too self-opinionated, too stiff. Perhaps. The reader may judge. I show a development, some courses. What have you fallen over yourself in your own development, things that has remained mysteries? Fear, sense of guilt, inferiority, perhaps lack of selfrespect or just ignorance. All of us know these things. They enclose us very much.

I looked for the missing tracks too.

Decisive for your benefit of this reading:
All of us have a framework, from where we are thinking, and our frameworks are of course different. You have to be willing to expose your framework to an experiment of disruption, if you want to go on in getting an answer to your unanswered or your false answered questions. The frameworks or the shell around yours and my universe limits yours and my outlook, yours and my knowledge. It has to be so for some time. The longer you have thought in a given framework the more difficult perhaps it is for you to brake the shell. All of your identity is gradually tied up to just your usual world of imagination within your known referring frame. Time is perhaps the most difficult to connect with your understanding. Your imagination of time is nearly always connected solid to your own limited term of years.

Are you untrained, the most academics are so, then you have to cross limits in yourself in order to see what a treason, you are placed in. If you altogether can see then, if there is a treason. Perhaps you will be shocked while you read my book, and perhaps you will refuse. But in that case you must remember this beginning:

A very simple treason, but it has been made complicated in your customary/taught framework, and it has been made very simple respecting to what is rather more complex in relation to your usual imaginations. Without your accept of this assumption you may stop the reading here.

I will start with the lies, the fatal lies I have been told. In that way I hope to find the tracks to the grave of Denmark or of another country at last.

Johannes Joergensen begins his 'Bell Roland' in this way in 1916:

Bell Roland is my name
when I peal, it is fire
when I ring, it is victory in Flanderland!

This was written at the big bell in Gents Beffroi in days of old.

Bell Roland rings, Bell Roland rings, Flandern's big bell of fight and of victory rings out into Ragnarok. And if we Nordic listen very well, then we clearly hear that it is our mother's voice, it talks, and that it says and sings like the scald in the Nordic Hymn:

Beast die,
Kinsman die,
One I know that never dies,
the Judge against the dead.


The Truth..does not deal with Denmark or Europe alone. It deals with some of the biggest lies I, and perhaps you, have been told here on Earth.

I will email to you my html-file with the manuscript (170 A-4 pages), the abstract of which you just have read:
If you write me a letter (hard copy), ask for the manuscript The Truth.... and include US$10, �5 or DM15. You write to:

Joern E. Vig
Stadion All� 48,
DK-8000 Aarhus C

Puppets are what most of us have become. Somebody else decide how we shall live our lives. To get into the pyramid, to act inside and perhaps get higher means that you must obey. You do not ask too many questions, but you take your part and act without knowning the end of the play. When you look for explanations, perhaps you are looking in the false direction all the time. Politics and religions often make you blind - so the rulers calculate. When you know, rulers and their masters will respect you for what you are, a real human being. Every lilliput can use the Danish dynamite: You must not tell lies, and when you know the truth - the opposite to lies - you have to tell the truth. Knowledge,love and forgiveness shall return the power you lost. Nobody has to be a puppet.

To contact Information on Denmark write to:

Information on Denmark - Postboks 82 - DK-8100 Aarhus C - Denmark

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Updated 03/03/00.