Information on Denmark
Information on Denmark,united-bluff, Internet 05/29/1999, e-mail-adresse: [email protected] eller [email protected]
The first hidden disastrous ideology-lie is also the lastin the 20th and also the 21th Century -
exposed in a very short version
That ideologies have their starting point in the systems of ideas of Hegel and of Platon a.o. can definitely not be refused. But it is very faulty to disregard the general influence of the thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment have had on the emerge of the idea about a community of the world starting with the Socialistic Internationale in the 1840s. That is what is done e.g. in the book signed by Henry Morgenthau Junior (the former American Finance Minister) just after World War II. 'Germany is our problem' is the title. It was written by H. D. White (originally Weiss) but signed by H. Morgenthau. "Theological considerations", John Maynard Keynes - who was chosen to make the bizarre agenda of macro-economics in the Western World after World War II - called the similiar reactions after the World War I (i 1919).
Doctor Wundt and his bestial experimenthal-psychology should have been mentioned as well as Hegel and his mad philosophy about God's consciousness before the Creation. It is not fair to ignore Wundt's internationalism. Now we perhaps can see why. Perhaps The Truth... from which this is an extract will help you further.
"They, who sign the Versailles Treaty will sign the death sentence to many millions of men, women and children", J. M. Keynes wrote on page 147 in his book 'The Economic Conquences Of �The War', published December 12th 1919. He was thinking of Germans.
To ignore communism at the same time he proposes that Germany is transformed to an agriculture-state can not be ascribed to wise American thinking. Other explanation are certainly needed. Communism is dead. Oh, I see,
I did not notice. What about Comm-UN-ism.
Germany could supply about 40 mill. with foodstuffs, when Germany was an agriculture nation, John M. Keynes wrote. So early in the industrial development it would have had the consequence that about 15 mill. have had to try to emigrate from Germany, Keynes wrote. Keynes also goes through the pure possibilities that such an emigration-project might have succeded. An accept of the consequences of a similiar arrangement after the World War II, as proposed by Morgenthau, has to build on even worse - let us say the same - 'theological considerations'.
I wonder if another puppet will propose the same solution for the third time, when the European Union collapses with the EURO.
Notice that internationalism of today was the first and last ideology in reality since 1776.

does not deal with Denmark or Europe alone. It deals with some of the biggest lies I, and perhaps you, have been told here on Earth.
I will email you my html-file with the manuscript (170 A-4 pages), an extract of which you just have read:
If you write me a letter (hard copy), ask for the manuscript The Truth.... and include US$10, �5 or DM15.
You write to:
Joern E. Vig
Stadion All� 48,
DK-8000 Aarhus C
You cannot order a disk-copy by email. You have to write a letter and include the pay.
Puppets are what most of us have become. Somebody else decide how we shall live our lives.
To get into the pyramid, to act inside and perhaps get higher means that you must obey.
You do not ask too many questions, but you take your part and act without knowning the end of the play.
When you look for explanations, perhaps you are looking in the false direction all the time.
Politics and religions often make you blind - so the rulers calculate.
When you know, rulers and their masters will respect you for what you are, a real human being.
Every lilliput can use the Danish dynamite:
You must not tell lies, and when you know the truth - the opposite to lies - you have to tell the truth.
Knowledge, love and forgiveness shall return the power you lost.
Nobody have to be a puppet.
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