Information of Denmark

Information on Denmark,united-bluff, Internet 05/29/1999,
e-mail-adresse: [email protected] eller [email protected]

The history of Wall Street is long

A little from the beginning of Wall Street:

based on Robert Warshows Wall Street, Copenhagen 1933

Originally there were 13 colonies in America. They were called New England and were colonies of England. Here they used their own money. There were several, they were called 'colonial script' and everything went very well. There had been international disagio-problems, but that could not explane, what was planed to happen now. When the colonists made their money themselves, they were apple to control the purchasing power. The English bankmanagers did not like that, they wanted to control the monetary-system like they did in England. So they introduced their monetary system and decreased the amount of money to about one half. Now the happy living in the colonies was totally changed. Unemployment and powerty were the result. The rage was turned against the Englishmen and the War Of Independence started. Two of the leading figures behind the this revolusionary war were the experts of finance Robert Morris and Alexander Hamilton. The later became Finance Minister under George Washington. It was not a good idea to try finance the war with England by tax-collecting, because taxation always hamper people. The French participation was financed (with Necker as an adviser) by loans too (1,2 billon Frcs). Necker was much more a clever man of finances than he was a skilled and wise statesman.
For this reason and for another reason the autoritatives let money-emission do the work to get the war that was wanted by few. They issued Government Paper and other instruments of debt of the bearertypes. They sold them to ordinary, good citizens, who bought them for their true money earned by hard working. They sold papermoney via the federal government, the single states and municipalities. When the war had ended, they also gave some of the paper and a little real money to the home-comming soldiers. The value of the papers depended of the possibility of the state to be solvent and of it could/would honour them to an acceptable course. While the time passed the most did not count on the paper, so they used it as wallpaper and labels. But with Hamilton as Finance Minister something was planned to happen. The single states (in America) made papermoney to an amount of 210 mill. and The Union 360 mill. dollars under The War Of (In)dependence. Then the paperdollard had to fall. In 1779 you could exhange 38 paperdollars with 1 silver-dollar, the year after 100 and in 1781 some times 1000 paper-dollars for 1 silverdollar. Then they were drawn back, and for 100 dollars you got 5 dollars of interest-bearing certicates. Only a little returned, because they had been use practically as mentioned.
The first time the passing of the new law, that was know only by a few, failed, but in 1790 Thomas Jefferson returned from France, where had been American ambassador in Paris and adviser for the French revolusionaries. With his help they succeded as planned in America. Now the law could come to reality - 14 years after the Declaration Of Indepence? The Congressmen listened to the proposal with deepest surprise, but the speculators that had planned it from the start did not.
The papers should be honoured to nominal value, and the debt of the single states should be paid by the federal government too. Now the speculators hurried out in the country to buy paper quietly from the people who did not know the law-proposal. Alexander Hamilton wrote til George Washington that he long ago had learnt that the public opinion was of no value. The money to buy the paper came from new Government Paper sold to the same people 25 years (one generation) after the war.
In this way the citizens paid the cost of war, and the paid to be ruled in the future. Wadsworth, who was a member of The Congress for Connecticut, transmitted the ships to the South States to buy all the paper, they could get. The rumours told about unjustifiable manoeuveres 'behind the scene'. They were told so loudly that the New Yorker newpaper Daily Advertiser even calculated, what the different speculators could foresee to earn, if the law passed through.
This calculations showed that Robert Morris would pocket $18 mill. (in the years 1790-1792), Jerimiah Wadsworth $9 mill. and Governor Clinton $5 mill. Fisher Ames and Christopher Gore were also members of the syndikat. The enthusiasm was as you will understand on the boilingpoint in coffeehouses of Wall Street, where the speculators had their headquarter.
The only thing that was missing was to enclose the admission to the growing activity in Wall Street. Too much publicity, and too much public participation could damage the speculation, and do it too uncertain for the participants. This was not managed 'in the right way' (nearly the same) until after The Civil War 1861-1865. The War Of Independence should rather have been called the War Of Dependence instead.

'The Truth..' does not deal with Denmark or Europe alone. It deals with some of the biggest lies I, and perhaps you, have been told here on Earth.

I will email to you my WORD-file (Word 97 from Microsoft) with the manuscript, an extract of which you just have read:

If you write me a letter (hard copy), ask for the manuscript The Truth...., and you include US$10, �5 or DM15. You write to:

Joern E. Vig
Stadion All� 48,
DK-8000 Aarhus C

Because we have a referendum September 28th 2000 on Danish Euro-participation the book has been put on the Internet for free for the time being on :

Puppets are what most of us have become. Somebody else decide how we shall live our lives. To get into the pyramid, to act inside and perhaps get higher means that you must obey. You do not ask too many questions, but you take your part and act without knowning the end of the play. When you look for explanations, perhaps you are looking in the false direction all the time. Politics and religions often make you blind - so the rulers calculate. When you know, rulers and their masters will respect you for what you are, a real human being. Every lilliput can use the Danish dynamite: You must not not lie, and when you know the truth - the opposite to lies - you have to tell the truth. Knowledge, love and forgiveness shall return the power you lost. Nobody have to be a puppet.

To contact Information on Denmark write to:

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Updated 03/03/00.